EXPOSED Surviving the Commercial Sex Industry
This is my candid story of finding my way into and out of the commercial sex industry: The set up, industry life, and why you can’t just walk away from it all when you leave. The details may comfort or shock you. Most of all, this is the tale of how I have managed to stay hopeful, despite betrayal and disappointment. I pray this brings healing to anyone in their own caged season.
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I wrote my story for the two of us, you and me. I tell it with boldness for you because you matter and your story matters.
I wrote my story because we all need a witness to our experiences. I never felt like anyone could handle my story, so I kept it inside along with so much buried shame. My hope is that you will find yourself in these pages no matter where you are on your journey, and realize that you are not alone.
As you read its pages, you are my witness, and I am not alone in it anymore either.
This book is written for those who have experienced life in the sex industry. You may find yourself offended, shocked, aroused, or afraid that I have crossed a line. But I have not.
I have written for those who need this book; they will relate and not be shocked by this content. I have written to offer a face that doesn’t turn away when others will, because their story might be too much for someone who has never entered this space to be able to hold.
It is my hope that if you decide to read what is written in these pages, you will do so with an open, teachable heart; to see how childhood events and sexual abuse can be a direct correlation to being set up for a life in the sex industry, and how the trauma of it follows you without proper healing in those areas.
I pray that after reading my story you will learn to have curiosity and empathy to walk alongside others who are suffering from PTSD and complex trauma; to recognize that sexual harm is not a “choice” or “empowering” but a result of something so much deeper.
“This book was written for survivors of the sex industry so they would know they are not alone and that there is hope. It is my hope that you will purchase one for yourself and a copy or several copies for donation. We would like to get this book into the hands of as many survivors as possible. I have been using this as a group study and it has already proven to be a powerful tool. Would you please help us?”
— Kate de Varennes Ouimette-Wedell

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