• Kate Ouimette-Wedell

    Survivor Leader, Founder, CEO

    Kate is the Founder of CherishedLA. A survivor of Human Trafficking, Kate spent a decade in the commercial sex industry after being sold by someone she trusted. Kate has now found freedom and healing. She started CherishedLA to support other survivors who were like herself and needed to find a way out. Kate has spent the last 10 years as a voice in the anti -trafficking movement. She is compelled to help the voiceless find their voice. She created Cherished to offer all the things she herself needed to get out- a safe non judgmental environment giving women a secure place to live for 2 years while learning job skills in their social enterprise. This facilitates the healing they need after the trauma a life of exploitation brings. 

    Kate has completed Cert 1 and Cert 2, the Externship and Recovery Week of Narrative Focused Trauma Care through the Allender Center at the Seattle school of Theology and Psychology in Seattle, receiving 2 certificates in Narrative Focused Trauma Care coaching. She leads story workshops with the residents and is passionate to stay on the healing journey, for herself and for the sake of others. She is passionate about counseling those with trauma, and helping them name the truth about their story and find their freedom. Kate continues her training  in NFTC through workshops and training with the Allender Center and The Art of Living counseling center. 

  • Angela Monroe-Wood

    Social Enterprise Manager

    Angela is a Survivor Leader and our Social Enterprise Manager. In 2016, Angela joined us as a resident in need of healing. After leaving CherishedLA, she utilized the skills she acquired during her time with us to build a new life for herself. In 2023, she returned to oversee our social enterprise and assist in establishing our Expecting Mothers home. Angela brings joy to everyone she meets and is eager to help meet the needs of others. She is a shining example of success at CherishedLA, and we are proud to have her on our team!